Ranger SST - LotMaster Mobile for Android


LotMaster Mobile is used for inventory control of storage lots.

If you have questions or problems, please contact your sales/support representative:

     Jim Shellhaas

Already familiar with the LotMaster Mobile?

Download Now

Version 1.22.
October 14, 2022.




Follow these steps on your Android device for over-the-air (OTA) installation:
  1. Open the web browser.
  2. Navigate to the web page you're reading right now (http://www.rangersst.com/mobile/lotmaster/).
  3. Tap one of the links in the Downloads section (below). A popup will briefly appear that indicates "Starting download..."
  4. Press the "Home" button to return to the Home screen of the device.
  5. Wait for a "Download Complete" notification icon to appear on the status bar at the top of the screen. The icon looks like a down arrow with a line underneath.
  6. Swipe down from the status bar to the bottom of the Home screen to show the list of notifications.
  7. Tap the notification stating "LotMaster.apk download complete" (or something similar).
  8. A security popup appears that asks "Do you want to install this application?" Choose "Install". A progress bar appears while installation is pending.
  9. When installation is complete, choose "Open" to launch the application.
After installation is complete, you can restart the application by selecting "RangerSST LotMaster" from the installed applications list.


Current Release

Release Description
v1.22 System: Production

Date: October 14, 2022

Notes: Upgrade Dropbox authentication. REQUIRES ANDROID 8.0 OR HIGHER.

Other Downloads

Other downloads and special test builds are also available.